Ampoules ni diperbuat daripada france.. sangat easy absorb dekat skin.. Kalau ampoules terlalu pekat, lambat dan susah absorb oleh kulit.. France ampoules ni jugak xberminyak dan melekit seperti ampoules2 yang lain..

- Purifying
- Whitening
Memutihkan tone kulit agar lebih sekata disamping mengawal pembentukan melanin/pigmentasi. Whitening ampoule juga mencerahkan kulit dengan meningkatkan warna tona kulit menjadi semakin cerah dan membantu mengatasi masalah kulit kusam.
- Hydrating
- Collagen
Collagen ampoule bertindak efektif untuk menghilangkan tanda-tanda kedutan dan penuaan, membina semula kolagen kulit supaya kelihatan lebih muda serta menjadikan wajah lebih sihat, gebu dan berseri tanpa kedutan. Ia amat sesuai digunakan oleh pengantin sebelum makeup dan sesi fotografi.
- Mandarin
Mengecutkan liang-liang roma yang terbuka dan dapat menghindarkan kulit daripada berminyak. Ampoule ini juga menyeimbangkan minyak berlebihan pada wajah.Sangat berkesan untuk menghilangkan bekas jerawat dan parut. Ia juga membantu menyingkirkan toksin kulit dan menjadikan warna kulit . Mengembalikan kulit yang segar, bersih dan sihat.
- Eye care
- Soothing
- Vitamin C
- Firming
Mengandungi antioksidan yg bertindak secara dalaman untuk kulit yg lebih sihat, cerah, tegang & kelihatan muda. Ia didapati sungguh efektif untuk menambahkan keanjalan dan ketegangan kulit.Juga berkesan menangani proses penuaan kulit dan kedutan pada kulit. Ia mengurangkan garis-garis kedutan halus, melindungi kulit daripada kekeringan dan meremajakan kulit
- Bust
What Is Ampoule
Ampoules are airtight glass containers that are filled with a concentration of highly active ingredients. Ampoules usually contain botanical extracts, vitamins, and enzymes in various combinations and do not have any preservatives or chemicals due to the airtight packaging.
There are ampoules designed to address every skin condition and deficiency. Ampoules can have remarkable effects on various skin conditions, irritations, hyper-pigmentation, as well as, aging. Visible results are achieved within a short time after application. Combining ampoules and masks together in a treatment enhances the results.
Remarks : Ampoule can be use as day and night serum to achieve better effect. Apply it after toner before moisturizer. Not only when necessary.
Procedures for the use of ampoule
1. Cleanser - Toner - Ampoule/Essence - Sun Block/Foundation (Day)
2. Cleanser - Toner - Ampoule/Essence - Others skin care product (Night)
3. Cleanser - Toner - Ampoule/Essence - Mask [color=red](Treatment)
How to use ampoule
1. Firstly, snap the area which is near the ampoule bottle’s neck (there is a white line there), but remember to hold some tissue on your hands to avoid your hands being cut
2. If you plan to use the ampoule for few days, you may pour into a small bottle
3. Then you pour the remaining amount into you palm, and then slowly spread it evenly on your face
4. Lastly, massage motion circle 1-2 minutes on your face, to ensure every part of your face is able to absorb.
To achieve best results, you should continuously use the same type of ampoule for 10-15 days. It can be used day and night
A bottle of ampoule can be use for 3 days. Do not leave if for more than 3 days because ingredients are made of natural source, and the nutrients will volatile

Originally Posted by nieza's
nk g tau ampoulse tu mmg bkesan.. dlu jrwat byk sgt tp slps pkai ampoulse mmg jrwat xder lg dh.. muka pn rasa tegang jer.. thanks la jojot.. happy sgt.. hehehh..
Originally Posted by aifar
Salam jot...sy dah t4 rm 58 dlm maybank tuk order adk...sory jot ada perubahan sikt...adik sy nak
2 box whitening ampoule
1 box mandarin ampoule
sbbnye aritu sy bg dia try 1 vial whitening ampoule, dia kata best sbb nampak muka cerah sikit...jot pos 18 hrbulan yer adk sy punye tu...sian kat jot...oh yer ampoule br sampai td...semuanya dlm keadaan selamat...thanks jot
2 box whitening ampoule
1 box mandarin ampoule
sbbnye aritu sy bg dia try 1 vial whitening ampoule, dia kata best sbb nampak muka cerah sikit...jot pos 18 hrbulan yer adk sy punye tu...sian kat jot...oh yer ampoule br sampai td...semuanya dlm keadaan selamat...thanks jot
From: Zabriyana Mohd Yasin
Subject: Re: enquiry
To: "noor aizah mahat"
Date: Tuesday, 23 August, 2011, 4:03 PM
Subject: Re: enquiry
To: "noor aizah mahat"
Date: Tuesday, 23 August, 2011, 4:03 PM
salam..ampoules clarifying 2 sesuai x utk ilangkan bekas itam jerawat..@ sya just continue guna acne ampoules...sbb best sgt gna produk ni jerawat dh kurang n muka pon dh smooth..
rase licin la sekejap..hehe
Yea..dh pkai eyecare n hydrating..best..nnt after 1 week i bg testi kt wmc..dr jart pn br pkai bie..cun je kulit..nnt nk make order utk kakak i plak...thanks

Axerra Aroon
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